Hi, I’m Yuliya Bagriy. Yeah, too many y’s, but that’s an official transliteration from Russian; if you have trouble spelling it without mistakes, so do I =) My nickname is aviskase, and you can find me nearly everywhere using it, for example, on mastodon.
My interests vary:
- IT stuff, including, but not limited to:
- cybersecurity
- APIs
- testing
- development in general
- consumer-oriented Linux
- system and process control/management/improvement
- math and statistics in particular
- genetics
- linguistics and language learning
- science fiction
Important disclaimer: this blog is not obscenity-free. English is not my first language, thus, expect occasional fucks and tabarnaks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you notice any problems (there are probably hundreds of errors), just write me an email or open an issue on the blog’s repo.