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Hmms: June

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categoriesit, kaleidoscope

Time for the list of things I found interesting/amusing this month.

Let’s start with the good news: OpenAPI 3.1.0 RC is out!. Webhooks and reconciliation with JSON Schema are the highlights of the version. I hope tooling support won’t lag this time.

I really liked the article by Daniel Jarjoura on communications. For example, I didn’t know that crowd brainstorming is proved to be less effective.

Cool little apps I was recommended:

Positioning change

And, finally, the regular column “I kinda don’t like testers.” This month I tracked all testers-centric communities and articles to determine how useful these sources of information are for me. The result was as expected: noise to signal ratio was appalling. I’m tired of:

Thus, I made some decision:

1. I left RST and MoT (and its abolished sister group) slack communities. Stayed only in the ABT, because it’s smaller and more enjoyable.

2. Won’t hunt for any more testers-centric resources. Mind you, testers-centric ≠ testing-centric. Whatever I had in RSS + ABT podcast is more than enough.

45 RSS feeds in “Testing” category

3. Won’t save articles into reading queue “just in case”, if it’s obvious from the title and the first paragraph that the author is repeating themselves.

4. Change “About me” page to be less role specific. I wrote it a long time ago.

5. Do I contribute to the same noise? Perhaps. Can’t promise, but I’ll try not to. Obviously, these Hmms aren’t really original content, but written reflection is a great way to process information, sorry!

P.S. the saddest YouTube’s recommendation

YouTube recommended me to rewatch the opening sequence to the “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets”. The movie is forgettable, but this small part is a masterful tearjerker, especially now.

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