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Hmms: May

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categoriesit, kaleidoscope

This was a slow month in the sense of discovering new.

I finished the “Advanced Distributed Systems Design” course. CQRS, DDD, messaging patterns: doesn’t sound like this course is in any way helpful for testers. Yet being just a tester is dull. Exploring such courses helps to diminish the hardest order of ignorance “I don’t know what I don’t know”. And as I’m wearing an API designer hat more and more, learning about broader architectural stuff is essential.

Another “merging the trenches” experience was an article about using user types and personas for API design. Personas are a nifty tool for any team, but for me, it’s been difficult to apply them consistently. This is something I still need to learn and practice.

In these uncertain times, uncertainty is certain ©. Right before the quarantine, I ordered a book Continuous API Management. Well, it arrived. Today. On the serious note, I’m happy to start reading it, though I could have it finished in e-book format while waiting xD

And a small off-topic, my other purchase this month was a drawing tablet Huion H640P. The good thing about it is that there are proper drivers for Linux. And it’s cheap =) Bad thing is that I’ve just upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04 with 5.4 kernel that is buggy and prevents these drivers from being installed. Oopsie. So, I’m waiting until 5.6 kernel is stable enough or 5.4 is fixed to fully dive into e-drawing. At the very least I’d like to draw doodles and diagrams with it, and maybe, MAYBE, actually learn to draw.

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