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API testing in Python: requests vs bravado

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This article is written as a result of collaboration with TestProject. While many of you know me as a GUI-driven tools hater, that’s just my preference, so if something works for you and your company, that’s the only thing that matters. There are no best practices and there are no best tools for everyone.

What I really admire the TestProject team for is their strategy of creating a knowledge-sharing community. And their product has a totally free usage tier. You don’t see such combo often.

API testing is not an uncommon topic and you can find a gazillion of articles about it. If you check tutorials in Java or JavaScript, you’ll notice that they use a plethora of diverse libraries. Yet for Python tutorials are usually based on general-purpose requests library. In this article, I would like to suggest a different approach.

Warning: all code examples are written and checked in Python 3.7. You can find the source code here.

TestProject has an API based on OpenAPI 2.0 specification. I’ll use it as an example. If you want to try yourself, don’t forget to create an API key!

Let’s start with the plain old requests first. But before diving into coding, I suggest thinking about what your framework should be capable of. Don’t spend too much time on the design though, premature overengineering is harmful.

TestProject API is structured around different resources and methods. For example, to get information about a specific project you should use projects/{identifier} endpoint with method GET. You’ll probably soon get tired writing request.get(<params>) all the time, so let’s create a custom function (or method).

The next commonly used piece is authorization. All calls to API require Authorization header with your API key. But sometimes you want to pass additional headers, so your framework should support that as well.

This is an example class I wrote:

import requests

class APITestProject:
    endpoint = 'https://api.testproject.io/v2'
    auth_headers = {}

    def __init__(self, api_key=None):
        # Sometimes we don't want to authorize requests
        if api_key:
            self.auth_headers = {'Authorization': api_key}

    def _construct_headers(self, headers):
        # Allows to combine authorization header with per-request custom headers
        if isinstance(headers, dict):
            return {**self.auth_headers, **headers}
        return self.auth_headers

    def get_specific_project(self, identifier, headers=None):
        return requests.get(f'{self.endpoint}/projects/{identifier}', headers=self._construct_headers(headers))

Now it’s time to write simple tests. I use pytest as a test runner because of its versatility and pluggability.

import pytest

from requests_client.api_testproject import APITestProject

def api(api_key):
    return APITestProject(api_key)

def test_get_specific_project(api, existing_project):
    response = api.get_specific_project(existing_project)
    assert response.status_code == 200

def test_get_nonexisting_project(api):
    response = api.get_specific_project('iZyZmrbAAkuHyqdB3O6fHd')
    assert response.status_code == 404

def test_get_specific_project_accept_html(api, existing_project):
    response = api.get_specific_project(existing_project, headers={'Accept': 'text/html'})
    assert response.status_code == 406

If you are not familiar with pytest fixtures, you can read about them in the official documentation. In short, here I have three fixtures:

Tests are pretty straightforward:

They assert only responses’ status codes (not the best tests ever). But take a look at the last test. At the time of writing the only officially supported response content types were: application/json, text/json, text/plain, and application/json-patch+json. Though, if you take a careful look at the description doc, you’ll notice that application/xml is supported too. Anyway, with Accept: text/html you’d expect server to respond with 406 Not Acceptable. Yet, that’s not the case: the current version responds with 200 code and plain text json body. It’s not a serious issue, but it’s worth exploring because it means that there are places where server capabilities don’t match the published description doc. I suspect it’s a sign of a design-first approach (which I like!), but it can be hard to manage.

As you noticed, for creating API tests using requests library we need to write a lot of boilerplate code:

Basically, you create a whole API client. And we haven’t even touched data models. Oh, if only this could be simplified and automated, right? And it can! Welcome to the brave old world of client generation based on API description docs. TestProject doesn’t just provide endpoints but also has a description doc to describe their API. Currently, it’s based on Open API 2.0, or, as many people still call it, Swagger. This description doc is used to generate a documentation UI with “Try out” capabilities, and it also can be used for client generation. Personally, I ended up using bravado library for this task.

Here is how our small class will look with bravado:

import json
from pathlib import Path

from bravado.client import SwaggerClient
from bravado.requests_client import RequestsClient

class APITestProject:
    host = 'api.testproject.io'
    swagger_spec = 'https://api.testproject.io/docs/v2/swagger.json'
    swagger_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'swagger.json'

    def __init__(self, api_key=None):
        http_client = RequestsClient()
        if api_key:
            http_client.set_api_key(self.host, api_key, param_name='Authorization', param_in='header')
        # Usually I'll use `from_url` generation, but current version of specification is not valid OpenAPI 2.0
        # self.client = SwaggerClient.from_url(self.swagger_spec, http_client=http_client)
        swagger_spec = json.load(self.swagger_file.open())
        self.client = SwaggerClient.from_spec(swagger_spec, http_client=http_client)

There are two ways to generate a client with bravado: pointing either to URL where description doc is hosted or to the local file. The example uses local file because bravado doesn’t just simply generate client, but also can perform validation, and unfortunately at the time of writing TestProject API description doc contains some invalid attributes. But that’s a great thing! Even though developers should be using linters to check for such problems, it is still a good idea to recheck during integration tests. Another nice feature is that bravado performs requests and response validation, which can help find dynamic problems. For example, if the description doc says that the field in the response should be an integer, yet you received a string, you’ll get an exception even if there were no explicit assertions for that field in the test. Of course, you can disable all validations, though, I wouldn’t recommend that.

So, let’s go back to the tests and see how they look with bravado based client:

import pytest
from bravado.exception import HTTPNotFound, HTTPNotAcceptable

from bravado_client.api_testproject import APITestProject

def api(api_key):
    return APITestProject(api_key).client

def test_get_specific_project(api, existing_project):
    response = api.Projects.Projects_GetProject(projectId=existing_project).response()
    assert response.metadata.status_code == 200

def test_get_nonexisting_project(api):
    with pytest.raises(HTTPNotFound):

def test_get_specific_project_accept_html(api, existing_project):
    with pytest.raises(HTTPNotAcceptable):
            _request_options={'headers': {'Accept': 'text/html'}}

Did you notice magic there? I don’t need to write code with GETs anymore. Bravado generates resources and methods for them automagically. Usually, they are based on tag and operationId, so for getting a specific project: tag=Projects and operationId=Projects_GetProject. Another difference is that bravado throws an exception if the response code is not 2xx. In my view, HTTPNotAcceptable is more readable than a number 406.

Now it’s time to check how using client generation library helps to improve on a barebone approach with requests:

Don’t forget, all magic comes with a price. Client generators are not perfect for everyone:

The world of API related tools and libraries is enormous. Some people prefer GUI-driven tools like Postman or TestProject, others prefer to code. Next time you’ll be writing automation, don’t feel restricted to common generic libraries and consider different alternatives.

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